Sunday 8 June 2014

Music in Brazil: 'Queluzindo'

'Queluzindo' was inspired by and performed on a vintage viola (guitar with five double-coursed strings).

0:00 - Theme A - We hear that the song is in 4/4, and plays a simple rhythm. This rhythm is repeated for 8 beats before it changes chord.
0:27 - Fingers on wood - There is a knock on the 'and', after beat 3. Theme A is still playing. The end of this theme is signalled by three strums of the final chord.             
0:39 - Pause -
0:41 - Theme B - This theme is a lot more adventurous than theme A. It uses techniques such as pulls and hammers, which can be heard very clearly in the audio.
1:00 - Repeat of theme B -
1:23 - Theme A - This is exactly the same as before, along with the knocks on the wood on the 'and' after beat 3. It also ends in the same way with the three strums of the final chord.
2:00 - Pause -
2:02 - Theme C - This theme is completely different to the others, and gives the song a different feel. This theme is still using the plucking 'tradition' which is used throughout this song, but makes a lot more use of strumming the chord.
2:31 - Pause -
2:32 - Theme A - This is exactly the same as before.
3:15 - Final chord - The song ends with the final chord being strummed in a semi-quaver, semi-quaver, quaver rhythm.

This song is solely a solo viola piece which has variation between each of the different themes. The ending of the themes are clearly shown by three strums of the final chord followed by a short pause.

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